Are you tired of the Seattle weather yet? This week, I managed to find a few rays of liquid sunlight to keep your spirits up at Ray's Boathouse. Their recently introduced cocktail, the Rum Refresher is a must do for this water view. Mount Gay Eclipse Rum shaken with pür•likör spice blood orange liqueur, and Dish D'Lish Lemon & Lime Sour is refreshing indeed. Mount Gay Rum, known as "the rum that invented rum" needs little introduction, but just in case, read our distillery review here. Served up, this cocktail rim's cinnamon sugar dusting is attractive and provides a texturally unique sipping experience as the bright flavors of blood orange and Barbados Rum awaken your palate. Yum! Dish D'Lish is also made by our own talented local chef extraordinaire, Kathy Casey. As the daylight hours get longer and boat watching fills the happy hours at Ray's, stop by for a Rum Refresher and enjoy the view!
Rum Refresher Ray's Boathouse |
This is a really nice post Aussie flings